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 floor()                 Calculate Floor of Value

 #include   <math.h>

 double     floor(x);
 double     x;                           Floating-point value

    floor() returns the largest double value integer that is less than or
    equal to 'x'.

    Returns:    Largest integer <= 'x'. There is no error return.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements calculate the floor of 3.3, 0.0 and -3.3.

           #include <math.h>      /* Required for function definition only */

               double x, y, z;

               x = floor(3.3);     /* x = 3.0 */
               y = floor(0.0);     /* y = 0.0 */
               z = floor(-3.3);    /* z = -4.0 */

See Also: ceil() fmod()
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